Kentucky Tobacco History

Old photograph of tobacco harvest in Kentucky

Kentucky’s tobacco history is a rich tapestry woven with fascinating stories, economic triumphs, and cultural significance. This journey takes us back to the early settlers, through the boom years of the 19th and 20th centuries, and into the present day, where the echoes of the past still resonate. As we delve into this intriguing topic, we’ll uncover the stories of the people who cultivated the golden leaf, the economic impact of the industry, and the enduring legacy of Kentucky’s tobacco heritage.

Arrival of the Europeans

The arrival of the Europeans in the 18th century marked a significant turning point in Kentucky’s tobacco history. The Europeans learned the basic method of raising a crop of tobacco from Native Americans, including the details of proper spacing in the field, topping and suckering the plants .

The Role of Slavery

The growth of the tobacco industry in Kentucky was closely tied to the institution of slavery. Planters from Maryland and Virginia, where land was exhausted from tobacco cultivation, were attracted to Kentucky. These plantations in the Bluegrass region used slave labor on a smaller scale than the cotton plantations in the South, but it was still a significant part of the industry .

The Burley Tobacco Boom

The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the boom of Burley tobacco in Kentucky. This period marked a significant development in the state’s tobacco industry, with Burley tobacco becoming a major cash crop .

Tobacco as Kentucky’s Cash Crop

Tobacco has been a major cash crop in Kentucky for centuries. Farmers grew most of their own food, using corn to feed hogs and distill into whiskey. They obtained cash from selling Burley tobacco, hemp, horses, and mules .

The Influence on Kentucky’s Economy

The tobacco industry has had a profound influence on Kentucky’s economy. The cultivation and sale of tobacco have contributed significantly to the state’s economic growth and development .

Tobacco in Kentucky’s Social Fabric

Tobacco has played a significant role in shaping Kentucky’s social fabric. The process of growing tobacco and the culture that has developed around that process are deeply embedded in Kentucky’s roots .

Tobacco and Kentucky’s Identity

Tobacco is a historic icon in Kentucky. The seal of the city of Lexington, Kentucky, has a tobacco leaf on it, as does the seal of the city of Owensboro and others, reflecting the deep connection between tobacco and Kentucky’s identity .

The Decline of Tobacco Farming

The late 20th and early 21st centuries have seen a decline in tobacco farming in Kentucky. This decline has been driven by a variety of factors, including changes in consumer preferences and regulatory pressures .

The Future of Tobacco in Kentucky

Despite the challenges, tobacco remains an important part of Kentucky’s economy and culture. The future of tobacco in Kentucky will likely be shaped by a variety of factors, including technological advancements, market dynamics, and regulatory changes .

what is the current state of the tobacco industry in kentucky

The current state of the tobacco industry in Kentucky is characterized by a decline in production and consumption, but the state still holds a significant position in the national tobacco landscape.

Over the past 20 years, tobacco production in Kentucky has decreased by 56.7%, with 96.6 million pounds harvested in 2022 . Despite this decline, Kentucky still ranks first in the nation for burley, fire-cured, and dark-cured tobacco production, and second in total tobacco production . In 2021, Kentucky’s burley tobacco production was estimated at 71.8 million pounds, with a yield of 2,050 pounds per acre from an estimated 35,000 acres .

Tobacco remains one of Kentucky’s top five agricultural exports . However, the days of tobacco being the king crop in Kentucky are in the rear-view mirror, and the industry is undergoing significant changes . For instance, sales of major premium moist snuff products have generally been down, while sales of tobacco leaf-free nicotine pouches, a substitutable product for moist snuff consumers, have been rapidly expanding .

In terms of consumption, Kentucky has a higher rate of tobacco use compared to the national average. In 2020, 21.4% of adults in Kentucky smoked, compared to the national rate of 15.5% . However, the state has seen a decrease in smoking rates, with the adult cigarette smoking rate dropping to 17.4% by 2023 .

The economic impact of tobacco in Kentucky is significant. In fiscal year 2021, the state received an estimated $503.3 million in revenue from tobacco settlement payments and taxes . However, the state allocated only $2.0 million in state funds to tobacco prevention in the same fiscal year, which is 3.5% of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention s annual spending target .

how has the tobacco industry in kentucky impacted the state’s economy

The tobacco industry has had a significant impact on Kentucky’s economy, both historically and in the present day.

Historically, tobacco has been a cornerstone of Kentucky’s agricultural economy. In the 1990s, the value of the state’s tobacco crop averaged more than $800 million annually . At its peak, tobacco accounted for around 50% of Kentucky’s crop receipts and 25% of Kentucky’s total agricultural cash receipts, despite using only 1% of the farmland in Kentucky .

The tobacco industry has also contributed to the state’s economy through direct, indirect, and induced effects. For instance, every $1 million of additional tobacco production contributes a total of $3.6 million to the Kentucky economy .

However, the role of tobacco in Kentucky’s economy has been shrinking over the years. The number of tobacco farms has decreased, and tobacco production has declined . Despite this, Kentucky remains the nation’s largest producer of burley tobacco and dark fire- and air-cured tobaccos .

In terms of revenue, in fiscal year 2021, Kentucky received an estimated $503.3 million from tobacco settlement payments and taxes . However, the state allocated only $2.0 million in state funds to tobacco prevention in the same fiscal year .

The tobacco industry also has indirect economic impacts. For example, smoking-related health care costs amount to $1.92 billion per year, and smoking-related losses in productivity amount to $2.79 billion per year .


Kentucky’s tobacco history is a rich tapestry woven with fascinating stories, economic triumphs, and cultural significance. From its early beginnings with the Native Americans to its modern challenges and opportunities, the story of tobacco in Kentucky is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the state and its people.


  • In 2017, 24.6% of adults in Kentucky smoked cigarettes, while the national rate was 17.1% .
  • High school students’ use of electronic vapor products was 14.1% in Kentucky, compared to the national rate of 13.2% .
  • Kentucky received an estimated $507.3 million in revenue from tobacco settlement payments and taxes in fiscal year 2019 .


Who introduced tobacco to Kentucky?

Native Americans were the first to use tobacco in Kentucky, and European settlers learned cultivation methods from them .

What is the historical significance of tobacco in Kentucky?

Tobacco has been a cornerstone of Kentucky’s economy and culture, serving as a major cash crop and a part of the state’s identity .

Where is tobacco predominantly grown in Kentucky?

Tobacco is predominantly grown in the central part of Kentucky, known as the “burley belt” .

Why did tobacco become Kentucky’s cash crop?

Tobacco became Kentucky’s cash crop due to its high market value and the suitability of Kentucky’s soil and climate for growing tobacco .

How did slavery impact the tobacco industry in Kentucky?

Slavery played a significant role in the tobacco industry, with planters using enslaved labor for cultivation and processing .

Is tobacco still a significant part of Kentucky’s economy?

Yes, tobacco remains a significant part of Kentucky’s economy, though its role has diminished over time .

Can Kentucky’s economy survive without tobacco?

While tobacco has been a key crop, Kentucky’s economy is diversifying, and it is less reliant on tobacco than in the past .

Does Kentucky have a high rate of tobacco use?

Yes, Kentucky has historically had higher rates of tobacco use compared to the national average .

Will the decline of tobacco farming affect Kentucky’s culture?

The decline of tobacco farming is likely to have an impact on Kentucky’s culture, which has been closely tied to tobacco .

What was the Burley tobacco boom?

The Burley tobacco boom refers to the period when Burley tobacco became a major cash crop in Kentucky, particularly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries .

How did European influence shape Kentucky tobacco?

European settlers brought new cultivation techniques and helped expand the tobacco market, shaping the industry in Kentucky .

What role does tobacco play in Kentucky’s social fabric?

Tobacco farming and its associated culture are deeply embedded in Kentucky’s social fabric and traditions.

What are the current tobacco use rates in Kentucky?

As of 2017, 24.6% of adults and 14.3% of high school students in Kentucky smoked cigarettes .

What are the tobacco cessation statistics in Kentucky?

Detailed cessation statistics are not provided in the search results, but tobacco control efforts are ongoing.

Where does Kentucky rank in total tobacco production?

Kentucky has historically been one of the top tobacco-producing states in the U.S., though specific rankings vary by year .


For those interested in Kentucky tobacco history, “Tobacco Culture: Farming Kentucky’s Burley Belt” by John van Willigen and Susan C. Eastwood, and “Burley: Kentucky Tobacco in a New Century” by Ann K. Ferrell are highly recommended .

Sources of information:

The University of Kentucky, Truth Initiative, JSTOR, Amazon, Library of Congress, and the University Press of Kentucky are valuable sources for information on Kentucky tobacco history

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Authoritative sources on the subject of Kentucky tobacco history include academic publications, research organizations, and historical archives such as the University of Kentucky, Truth Initiative, and the Library of Congress