Tobacco Industry in Norway

Historical image of tobacco trade in Norway

The tobacco industry in Norway has a rich history and a dynamic present. It’s a fascinating world of evolving trends, legislative changes, and market shifts. This article will take you on a journey through the intricacies of this industry, offering insights into its past, present, and future. We’ll explore the key players, the popular products, and the impact of legislation on the industry. We’ll also delve into the market trends and the future prospects of the tobacco industry in Norway. So, buckle up and get ready for an intriguing exploration of the Norwegian tobacco industry.

20th Century Developments

The 20th century saw significant growth and change in the industry. The introduction of mass production techniques led to an increase in the availability of tobacco products, making them more accessible to the general public.

Key Players

Today, the Norwegian tobacco industry is dominated by a few key players. These companies have a significant influence on the market, shaping trends and consumer preferences.

Popular Products

Snus, a type of smokeless tobacco, is particularly popular in Norway. Other popular products include cigarettes and cigars, each with their unique market segments.

Past and Present Laws

Norway has implemented strict tobacco control laws over the years. These laws have significantly shaped the industry, influencing everything from product packaging to advertising.

Impact on the Industry

The legislation has had a profound impact on the industry. It has led to changes in the way tobacco products are marketed and sold, and has influenced consumer behavior.

Consumer Preferences

Consumer preferences in the Norwegian tobacco industry have evolved over time. There is a growing trend towards smokeless tobacco products, reflecting changing attitudes towards smoking.

Industry Response

The industry has responded to these trends by introducing new products and marketing strategies. These efforts aim to meet changing consumer demands while navigating the complex regulatory landscape.

Predicted Trends

The future of the Norwegian tobacco industry is likely to be shaped by continued shifts in consumer preferences and regulatory changes. The industry is expected to continue evolving in response to these factors.

Challenges and Opportunities

The industry faces several challenges, including regulatory pressures and changing consumer attitudes towards smoking. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and growth.

what is the history of tobacco use in norway

Tobacco use in Norway has a long history, with significant changes in patterns of use over time. The rapid expansion of tobacco use in Norway occurred before 1800, after which it leveled off, indicating that tobacco had acquired status as a common commodity .

Cigarette smoking has been common in all layers of society for about 100 years, but seems to be phasing out . A change in the pattern of tobacco use has been observed in the last decade in Norway, with snuff use and occasional smoking replacing daily smoking to some degree .

The Norwegian Tobacco Act entered into force in 1975, requiring health warnings on tobacco packaging, a 16-year age limit, and a ban on certain activities . Norway was the first country to sign and ratify the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2003, providing additional leverage to the strengthening of tobacco control in the country .

Despite progress, tobacco use continues to be a major public health problem in Norway, causing an estimated 6,300 deaths each year due to tobacco-related diseases . A significant number of children are still exposed to secondhand smoke .

The national aim of Norway is to achieve a totally tobacco-free future . The sale of snuff is illegal in the European Union (EU), except in Sweden where the legal use is claimed to reduce the smoking rates. Smokeless tobacco is used on a relatively wide scale in Norway, a country which is not a member of the EU .

The tobacco problem was understood, debated, and sought to be governed in Norway around the time of the First World War . The ban on cigarette smoking in restaurants and bars, which was introduced in Norway in June 2004, may have influenced changes in the choice of tobacco type .


The tobacco industry in Norway is a dynamic and evolving sector. It has a rich history and a complex present, shaped by a variety of factors including legislation, market trends, and consumer preferences. As we look to the future, it’s clear that the industry will continue to adapt and evolve in response to these influences.


The tobacco products market in Norway is projected to grow by 2.30% from 2024 to 2028, resulting in a market volume of US$1736.0m in 2028 . The most used tobacco products in Norway are cigarettes and oral nicotine pouches (snus) . The export value of manufactured tobacco from Norway is also significant .


  1. What devious tactics has the tobacco industry employed in Norway?
    The tobacco industry in Norway has been known to interfere with government policies and activities, as documented in the Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index .
  2. How many people work on tobacco control issues in Norway?
    Approximately 15 people work full-time on tobacco control issues in Norway .
  3. What are the smoking and snuff use statistics in Norway?
    Cigarettes and oral nicotine pouches (snus) are the most used tobacco products in Norway .
  4. What is the export value of manufactured tobacco from Norway?
    The export value of manufactured tobacco from Norway is significant, although the exact figures vary .
  5. How many deaths are attributed to tobacco industry influence in Norway?
    The influence of the tobacco industry in Norway has been linked to 5,128 deaths .
  6. What are the current market trends?
    The tobacco products market in Norway is projected to grow by 2.30% from 2024 to 2028 .
  7. What are the future prospects for the industry?
    The future prospects for the industry are tied to market trends, with a projected growth of 2.30% from 2024 to 2028 .
  8. What are the popular tobacco products in Norway?
    The most popular tobacco products in Norway are cigarettes and oral nicotine pouches (snus) .
  9. How has legislation impacted the industry?
    Legislation has had a significant impact on the industry, with Norway implementing measures to control tobacco use and industry interference .
  10. Who are the key players in the Norwegian tobacco industry?
    The key players in the Norwegian tobacco industry include Philip Morris Norway AS, British American Tobacco Norway AS, Swedish Match Distribution AS, Swedish Match Norge AS, and Imperial Tobacco Norway AS .


  1. “History of Tobacco Production and Use” provides a comprehensive overview of the history of tobacco production and use, including the economics of tobacco use and control .
  2. “Health V. Wealth: The Politics of Smoking in Norway and the UK” discusses the politics of smoking in Norway and the UK, including the influence of the tobacco industry .

Sources of information:

  1. Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index
  2. Statista
  3. WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2021
  4. Statistics Norway


  1. Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index
  2. Statista
  3. WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2021
  4. Statistics Norway


The tobacco industry in Norway is a complex and evolving sector. Despite the challenges posed by legislation and public health concerns, it remains a significant part of the country’s economy. Continued monitoring and research are necessary to understand its future trajectory and impact.